Eating To Prevent Heartburn at Pregnancy Nutrition
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Eating To Prevent Heartburn

Eating to Prevent Heartburn

Heartburn does not just affect those who are high stressed or emotion their spicy foods. Pregnant women suffer from heartburn too. You will find as your pregnancy progresses that antacids tend to become your best friend. Heartburn has nothing to finish with your heart.

It is when the acid from your stomach leaks up into the esophagus. Heartburn is very common during pregnancy. Connections fact one in four women experience heartburn during their pregnancy usually during the third trimester. The reason is that your baby has grown a tremendous amount and your uterus has moved up and is now putting annoyance on your stomach. This crowds the digestive tract and allows acids to travel back up the esophagus. There is an old wives tale that if you have bad heartburn, your baby will have a lot of hair. Of course there is no proof in this but it is a fun thing to believe in.

There are ways you can help prevent heartburn during pregnancy. You can start by taking your time while you eat. Not only will you enjoy your food better but your stomach will not have to work as hard to digest your food. You also hankering to try eating early and eat at pristine two hours before you go to bed that night then your build has plenty of duration to digest your food.

Keep your meals short. Stick with eating six small meals through out the day. Large meals tend to stuff up your stomach which is already extra squashed thanks to your uterus. A thundering stomach makes it that augmented likely that some of the food along with stomach acid will make its way back up the esophagus.

Also, make sure you keep your fluids and solids separate. Too much fluid mixed with too much food can distend the stomach which can aggravate heartburn. You also want to eat sitting up. Don't eat while lying down, and if you are having a agency time comestible make sure you are propped up by pillows.

Your weight plays a part in how much heartburn you may experience. The heavier you are, the more uneasiness you are placing on your esophageal sphincter. This is another reason why you should not gain to much more than the recommended amount.

Find out what foods cause your heartburn. Once you figure out what foods cause heartburn, you can cut them out of your diet. Some foods you might want to steer clear of are highly seasoned spicy foods, soda, tomatoes sauce, chocolate, and some citrus. Greasy foods are also a big contributor to heartburn. Cutting out greasy, fried food is going to help with your heartburn prevention.

When all else fails, take something for your heartburn. Tums and Rolaids are perfectly safe to take during pregnancy. If you are not well-off enchanting any over the counter medicines try some natural ways such as eating a handful of almonds. Almonds are a stomach colonizer and might help with your heartburn. Another natural remedy is a tablespoon of honey mixed with milk is a favorite for preventing heartburn.

Like with some pregnancy discomforts, heartburn is one that can be avoided as long as you take the steps and eat properly. Even kiss goodbye suffering from a fit-out of heartburn, your baby still could be born with a full head of hair.


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